Auvers sur Oise to Bougival

This entry is part 21 of 31 in the series 2017 UK and Europe

Warren and I separated today – he rode the route and I stayed on the barge for a rest day. We both enjoyed our choice and the weather was better than predicted with mild temperatures and virtually no rain.

We both started the day with a trip up the hill at Auvers sur Oise to visit the grave of Vincent van Gogh and his brother, Theodore.

On the way we passed the Church that was the subject of a famous painting (L’Eglise d’Auvers) by van Gogh that is now in the Musee d’Orsay in Paris.

The ride was easier than the previous 2 days with only 1 hill at the start and rain briefly at the start and end of the ride.

Wait – I forgot my raincoat

45 km in total through some muddy tracks after the overnight rain.

Martijn and Michael hard at work

The barge travel was very relaxing and we saw an impressive War Memorial and bridge.

WW 1 & 2 Memorial

Fred timed the ride perfectly so that our riders arrived at the junction of the Oise and Seine rivers just as we sailed past.

Junction of the Oise and Seine rivers
Seine cruising
Rubbish traps keep the Seine River clean

We negotiated 2 locks and tied up at Bougival at about 3.30. Several of us headed into town to look around and then find a wine bar with wifi (pronounced wiffy in French).

Zwaantje moored at Bougival
Bougival streets

Route of today’s ride – Auvers sur Oise to Bougival – 45 kms

Series Navigation<< Creil to Auvers sur OiseBougival to Paris >>

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