The adventure begins – Brisbane to Birmingham

This entry is part 1 of 31 in the series 2017 UK and Europe

0235 departure on time from Brisbane Airport to start our 2017 European trip. Warren manages to get an aisle seat which makes him happy and we have a few short naps on the first leg to Singapore. The flight takes 8 hours and we arrive at 0830 Singapore time.

Changi Airport

Misty when we landed. We had about an hour to stretch our legs before we were back on the Boeing 777-300 for the 7 hour flight to Dubai.

Another hour in the airport before boarding a A380 for the final leg to Birmingham. Unfortunately it was another hour before we left after a medical evacuation required 15 bags to be found and offloaded. With 600 passengers, this was no easy task for the ground crew.

We didn’t make up any time during the 8 hour flight so we landed an hour late in Birmingham, where we were met by our friend Jane. A long wait for the bags was not great after the 27 hours since leaving Brisbane.