We awoke to find ourselves moored in the centre of Mainz, famous for its Gutenberg Museum where we saw two of the 180 bibles printed by Gutenberg in this town. Only 48 are thought to have survived with only 21 complete copies. A complete copy is now thought to be worth $25 million.

Our afternoon was spent in Heidelberg, a 1 hour bus trip from the ship, with Heidelberg Castle an amazing highlight. The town is built on the Neckar River and the castle sits high on the hill overlooking the town.

This was another castle ruined during the Thirty Years War which ended in 1648. Lightning and fires caused further damage in the 18th century.
The parts that remain are spectacular!
We were bussed back to Mannheim where we rejoined the Tranquility II and set sail for Strasbourg. Entertainment tonight was a crew show that had us all laughing.