Vallabregues to Arles

This entry is part 28 of 31 in the series 2017 UK and Europe

Today was the longest day of the trip (56km) with a 4 km climb included. We left the barge just after 9 and had our first stop for pictures and water at the castle of Tarascon.

Water stop at the castle at Tarascon

Morning tea was at the town of St Remy, famous as the birthplace of Nostradamus. After tea at a cafe, we wandered through the streets and markets eventually finding Nostradamus’ house.

Morning tea at St Remy
Birthplace of Nostradamus

Next was the climb of the day – 4 km in light rain which helped to cool us all down. We were offered a trip up the hill in the company van which 4 people in our group accepted. It wasn’t too bad although the low gear in this bike is not as low as mine at home.

Sag wagon for those not wanting to do the 4km climb
We made it

From here it was only a kilometre to Les Baux des Provence. Bauxite was first discovered in this area and the name comes from the town. There was also limestone mined in the area and some creative people decided to turn the the old mine into the venue for a multimedia show.

Carrieres de Lumieres entrance
Old limestone mine

It featured 2000 images based on works by Bosch, Bruegel and Arcimboldo and classical and modern music including Led Zeppelin’s Stairway to Heaven. It was amazing!

Art set to music

The good part of a 4 km climb is usually it is followed by a 4 km descent.

Mine is the orange one!

We enjoyed ours and the trip to Arles included a stop to view the remains of another Roman aqueduct, this one taking water to Arles.

Roman aqueduct taking water to Arles

Not as much left as at Pont du Gard but still interesting. Just another 10km from here to Arles, where we saw the sad remains of the Soleo.

Route of ride from Vallebregues to Arles – 56km

Le Caprice
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